Created by William Carr on 5/25/2017 10:18:41 PM

Leaks are Treason.  Treason in punishable by death.

The Leakers

There is a new trend emerging in America.  The Leakers.  The most valuable leakers are those who leak classified national security information.

These leaks are published usually on page one of the New York Times and the Washington Post

Forget the fact that reporters put classified information on page one.  They are protected by the First Amendment.  They should be.

The truth remains that leaks are treason.


What is Treason?

On Google it is:

the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.”

According to US law:

Title 18 › Part I › Chapter 115 › § 2381

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.



Are Leakers Traitors?

Soldiers understand intuitively and viscerally that giving information to the enemy is treasonous.  It could kill them and worse kill their brothers in arms.  Recognizing the enemy is often harder.  As for my brothers in Vietnam, anyone could be the enemy. So it was simple.  Keep your mouth shut.  I am sure this is true for all warriors in combat anywhere.  For the lifetime of warfare, soldiers don’t have much to say.  A billion warriors over thousands of years have exposed less classified information than the deep state pajama boys left over from the Obama Administration.

Leakers are traitors.



Execute the Pajama Boys

The left is unaware of the pejorative terms that are used to describe them.  They only connect with the left talking points. Many of the males and some of the females have the MSNBC Chuck Todd facial foliage of a mustache and squirrely goatee that my brother and many more call “jailhouse pussy”.  A hint at Pajama Boy was one of the first Obama Care Victims that “needed” Obama Care.  Yeah, he had jailhouse pussy.

The point being is many of these pajama boys rose to power in the Obama Administration.  They are apoplectic that Trump is the new president. 

I will bet that these pajama boy holdovers are the leakers.  I am not sure why Trump did not say “Your fired” 

But what they are doing is deadly serious.  By not only keeping their mouths shut which would have been so easy, they are exposing sources, methods and other brothers at arms to the enemy.  They are both felonious and condemning people to death.

An appropriate response would be to condemn them to death.

What they think is a fraternity prank is fatal to brothers in harm’s way.  The only way for the pajama boys to understand what they are doing is so wrong is an execution. 


Executions will stop the leaks


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